Friday 8 February 2013

A New CALL OF DUTY title gets schedules for Q4 2013

Only weeks after the release of Call of Duty - Black Ops 2: Revolution, we have the announcement that another COD game is on the way.

In a Conference Call, CFO Dennis Durkin mentioned that the next title should land this year...

During the conference call Durkin said, "The Call of Duty franchise continues to set the bar for innovation and we expect a new Call of Duty game in development for 2013 to raise that bar even higher".

We don't think the game mentioned is Call of Duty: Online, since the talk of innovation doesn't sound like it will be multiplayer centric. After all, the current multiplayer seems to work well, and why fix what isn't broken?

We can however guess that the mysterious title will be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, given how Activision normally rotate their title releases. There isn't any firm information however, and probably won't be until we hear about it at E3 or the like.

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