Bangalore, Feb 11 (IANS) India is facing new security threat from cyber world as increasing use of convergence technologies has changed the rules of engagements, a top defence official said Friday.”Cyber security is a major challenge for us as all our operations are going to be on the network centric system, which is dependent on information and communication technologies,” scientific adviser to defence minister V.K. Saraswat told reporters.
Admitting that securing the network centric system would be a major problem, Saraswat said the country would have to build robust systems and platforms with proprietary software to make sure the networks were safe and almost invincible.
“As far as the security threat is concerned, it is not rigid or static but always evolving. Beyond the conventional threat from land, air or sea, the new threats are economic and cyber, where we have to become more vigilant,” Saraswat said on the margins of the Aero India military-cum-civil aviation trade expo here.
As a missile technologist, Saraswat is also the director-general of the state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation, which designs and develops a range of technologies and products for the Indian Air Force, Army and Navy spanning aircraft, choppers, radars, weapons, missiles, battle tanks, submarines and a host of support systems.