Friday, 29 March 2013

AMD has showcased their Radeon HD 7990

AMD has showcased their Radeon HD 7990 at the Game Developer Conference in San Francisco.

The GPU is said to be close to noiseless and would contain two cards from the 7900-series...

Various manufactures already released a GPU with two 7900-series cards on board, such as the Asus Ares II. These cards were mostly under-clocked in order to keep heat-issues suppressed.

AMD did not yet release the specs of the GPU, and neither were the clock rates announced. They did claim however that the GPU would receive different configurations than the GPU's from other manufacturers such as the Ares II.

The card will be powered by two 'eight-pin-plugs', whereas the current HD 7990 cards have three. The GPU will also contain four display-ports and one DVI-port. Furthermore, the GPU will be cooled by three 90-millimeter fans, which should make the GPU more or less noiseless, according to AMD.

Another point of interest are the expansion slots. Whereas current 7990-GPU's require three, AMD's upcoming GPU would require only two. These are all the currently available specifications, however AMD stated that the HD 7990 should be the competitor of Nvidia's Titan.