Wednesday 26 October 2011

Nokia officially announces the Lumia 800 and the Lumia 710

Nokia World is full of exciting news today, despite some of the horrendous leaks in the past couple of days. Nokia decided to open the WP7 show with the Nokia Lumia 800 - the company's first Windows Phone 7 phone and shortly after announced the Nokia 710, too.

Nokia Lumia 800

Nokia Lumia 800

Let's start off with the Nokia Lumia 800. Powered by a Snapdragon chipset with a single-core Scorpion CPU and 512MB of RAM, the Nokia Lumia 800 runs Windows Phone 7.5 Mango. It offers 16GB of built-in storage and if that's not enough, Nokia also offers 25GB of free cloud storage
The display of the Nokia Lumia 800 is a 3.7" ClearBack AMOLED, which is a bit smaller than the Nokia N9's, on which it's based on because of the three capacitive Windows Phone buttons at the bottom.
The camera of the Lumia 800 is an 8MP f/2.2 camera with Carl Zeiss optics with auto-focus and dual LED flash. The Lumia 800 comes in three different colors to match your preferences - Blue, Magenta and Black.
Nokia has worked hard to customize the Windows Phone platform, too.The Lumia 800 features Nokia Drive, which is the first voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation on a Windows Phone device.

Nokia Lumia 710

Moving on with the Nokia 710, the next Windows Phone device that saw its announcement at Nokia World today.
The Lumia 710 features the same 1.4GHz single-core processor and same ammount of RAM as the Lumia 800. The display of the Lumia 710 is a 3.7" WVGA TFT capacitive touchscreen with a ClearBlack tehcnology.
The camera of the Lumia 710 is a 5MP auto-focus one with a single LED flash. As connectivity goes, the Lumia 710 offers Wi-Fi 801.2 b/g/n and Bluetooth 2.1. A-GPS, 3.5mm headphone jack and a micro-USB connector make the package more complete.
Both the Lumia 800 and Lumia 710 are expected to hit stores in November with the Lumia 800 being now available for pre-order. At first the Nokia Lumia 800 will roll-out in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK with 31 carriers and retailers. Hong Kong, India, Russia, Singapore and Taiwan will see its launch later in the year and more markets will follow their lead in early 2012.
Prices for the Nokia 710 will start at about €270, while the estimated price of the Lumia 800 is about €420