The Ultraboook/Notebook fever continues with Samsung launching the second generation of its Series 9 Notebook in India. According to, the new Series 9 casing has a thickness of a mere 12.9mm, which makes it a strong contender in the fast expanding slim ultrabook market.
The Series 9 Notebook is priced sharply at Rs 1.02 lakh, but boasts impressive specs: It is powered by Intel’s latest i7 processor 3517U CPU running at 1.9GHz with 4GB of DDR3 RAM.
First look by Cnet
The 13-inch screen PC weighs 1.16 kg and has a screen resolution of 600 x 900 pixels along with an Intel HD Graphics 4000 if you plan to do some heavy graphics related work. The device also only comprises a 256GB Solid State Drive (SSD) or Flash Drive thus ensuring that the Notebook runs much faster.
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