Rest assured cameraphone fans, Nokia is still thinking about you. The manufacturer of the N8 is already working on its successor, which will come out some time next year. The confirmation came at the Nokia Lumia 800 launch event in Russia and was brought by the company VP Eric Bertman so it's pretty official.
According to him, next year Nokia will be releasing something even better than the N8 in 2012. He didn't provide any more details, like the OS that the device will be using. Previously we heard that Symbian is very much on the cards, but Windows Phone certainly seems the more probable platform of choice of the new cameraphone king.
You can check out the full interview in the following video. The N8 bit comes at about 1:36.
So what’re your thoughts on the matter? Is a great camera all that is preventing you from going for a Nokia WP smartphone? Or would you have rather had it in MeeGo flavor? Tell us in the comment section below.