Thursday 29 December 2011

1 million Samsung Galaxy Notes shipped worldwide

The Samsung Galaxy Note looked an odd device at first but the experiment is proving to be a success - Samsung just announced that they've shipped 1 million units of the phone-tablet crossover globally since it launched in mid-November.
Samsung reports rising sales of the Note in France, Germany, Hong Kong and Taiwan and XL-sized droid will be arriving in the US some time next year too (there's still no official info on when that will happen).
Of course, 1 million shipments don't mean 1 million sales (sales are less but we don't have exact numbers), still it's very good going for something that seemed out of a place (too big for a phone and too small for a tablet).
There's not much competition in the 5"-6" range right now but the success Galaxy Note phoneblet might bring new players into the field. Samsung execs are reportedly proud of breaking new ground in mobile devices and promise more to come.

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