Monday 7 November 2011

Google puts users in a spin ...

Easter eggs from the search engine giant ........

Google's latest 'Easter egg' has put users in a spin this week.
Typing 'barrel roll' or 'do a barrel roll' into Google's search box leads to the users screen doing a 360 degree spin amusing Googlers around the world.
Google has added many Easter eggs to it's search engine to entertain it's users, below are a few more;
Type 'tilt' in to the search bar, and watch your page slant. Similarly, this happens when you type 'askew'
Enter 'Google Gravity' in to the search bar, hit 'Im feeling lucky' then watch everything fall down.
Search for 'Chuck Norris' and get the suggestions; 'Run, before he finds you' and 'Google wont search for Chuck Norris because it knows you wont find Chuck Norris, he finds you.'
For a more complex egg, Go to Google Reader, then use your cursor keys thus: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. A ninja then pops onto your screen and into your search box. Thankfully, this still works in the new version of Google Reader.
Mashable has published a few more eggs, check them out at;
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