Monday 17 October 2011

RIM to offer all Blackberry users free apps starting October 19

RIM takes its apologies one step further after the nasty outage of RIM's servers which made all Blackberry users' life hell for a period of up to three days. Following the company's official excuse issued in a press release, now Research in Motion announced it will give away a selection of premium apps to all of its users for free.
And the applications which will be offered for free are not minor league. The list includes famous game titles such as SIMS 3, Bejeweled, N.O.V.A and apps like Shazam Encore, Vlingo Plus and Photo Editor Ultimate, with RIM promising that even more apps are yet to come.
Here's what RIM's Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis says regarding the company's initiative.
We truly appreciate and value our relationship with our customers. We’ve worked hard to earn their trust over the past 12 years, and we’re committed to providing the high standard of reliability they expect, today and in the future.
And that's not all. RIM's enterprise customers will also receive a month of technical support completely free of charge. The selection of premium apps will become free starting from October 19 going until the end of the year (December 31). You can check out the full list of free applications to be offered in the source link.

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