Sunday 23 October 2011

AT&T sees 'tremendous, tremendous demand' for the 3GS

It's no secret now that Apple has sold a container ship-load of iPhone 4S in just a few days after the phone was made available for pre-orders, with over one million being booked in the first 24 hours.

But the newcomer is not the only one getting all the love from customers. AT&T is reporting that the two year-old iPhone 3GS is still a hit with the customers, saying that the phone is seeing a 'tremendous, tremendous demand' after it was made free on a two-year contract. They're confident that it is going to contribute a lot to their smartphone sales and are expecting a great fourth quarter this year.
Of course the other two US carriers, Verizon and Sprint, cannot join AT&T's party because the iPhone 3GS is GSM-only.

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